06 Jul

Discover the Power of Prosperity Bonds: A Call to Action for the G7 Unlock the potential of innovative financial solutions with "Prosperity Bonds Agency - A Call to Action to G7". This groundbreaking book explores the urgent need for global collaboration in addressing the world's most pressing challenges through the implementation of prosperity bonds. In a world where rapid change aligns with the evolving dynamics of geopolitics and our ways of life, H. Burak Erten embarked on a journey to find practical solutions for efficient capital deployment in both developed and developing markets. Inspired by the 'Plug and Play' concept of Dell Computers, Erten proposes a financial architecture that integrates various components already recognized by global capital markets. The principle of "Share the Risk, Share the Prosperity" promotes the fair and meaningful deployment of resources. Erten's vision is to bridge the gap between developed and emerging markets, fostering a world built on shared values of fairness, equity, respect, inclusivity, and diversity. The proposed G7 bond issuance agency would facilitate low-cost, long-term bond issuances based on the inherent credit ratings of participating nations, leveraging the notion of governments acting as catalysts to mobilize private capital. Drawing from several capital market structures in the USA and EU, Erten offers numerous benefits for investors through this bond architecture. The strategy relies on risk syndication, ensuring each project is structured as listed bonds in the EU, promoting good corporate governance, transparency, institutionalism, and accountability. This non-concessionary, profit-oriented entity is designed to prevent wealth transfer from one nation to another, with safeguards to protect G7 taxpayers from defaulted projects. The agency addresses global issues such as economic stimulus, job creation, refugee movements, poverty alleviation, and increased investments in ESG-impact investing. The book also provides real-world examples and case studies that illustrate the transformative impact of prosperity bonds on both developed and emerging markets. It compares prosperity bonds with other initiatives like China's Belt and Road and the EU’s Global Gateway, highlighting their advantages. Gain insights into practical steps and strategies for deploying prosperity bonds, from governance structures to risk syndication and stakeholder engagement. Be inspired by a compelling vision for a more equitable and sustainable world and find out how you can be part of this global movement. Erten's model is applicable and replicable for many initiatives to be launched with participating members from other organizations, regional or global. This financial architecture is a model that can unlock capital in many other ways with participants of differing natures. Join the movement towards a more prosperous and sustainable world with "Prosperity Bonds Agency - A Call to Action to G7

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